As an author, you naturally pay attention to reviews of your book, and so when Google Alerts delivered me this link, I wasn't sure what to think:
Peer-to-Peer Blog: Offal Is Not Awful, and the Seven Deadliest Attacks
I mean, what would my book have to do with offal?
It turns out, of course, that there was no connection whatsoever... but the author of the post, David Byrd of Broadsoft, seems to start many of his posts off talking about food! (Other examples here, here and here.) Hey, we all have our own style... :-)
Thanks, David, for the mention of the book, and for providing a chuckle with your headline. I have to say I would have never come up with the combination. I'll be curious to see what the headline may be for his follow-up post he mentions for Wednesday...
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